Crear Crear

Session 1. Institutional Opening

Thursday, 26 October 2023

18:00 h

Multiespai L´Androna. Baleària Port

The phenomenon of immigration has reached a level that is determining world politics. This explains the emergence of racist parties, one after another, especially in Europe, some of which have even entered the government of some countries. I call this situation “DEMOC-RACISM.” The racism that grows in line with the people’s votes.

Huntington referred to this period as the “War of Civilisations.” However, viewing civilisation only in the context of religion is open to objection. Edward Said’s phrase “clashes of ignorance” is more exact. Even so, we must be even more precise. Let us call this problem “clashes of prejudice,” because our history of full of such.

The most outstanding solution to this problem is literature. We need literature in order to understand people, not only clichés such as religion, flag, nationality, or sect, but rather the identity of human beings that love, suffer, experience hunger, and fear. Goethe led the way by initiating a movement that he called "Weltliteratur" (universal literature). We should follow his lead.

Opening Session

Registration closed



Generalitat Valenciana

Academic direction: