Crear Crear

Session 11. Possible futures: humans beyond the anthropocene

Saturday, 28 October 2023

10:00 h

Auditori del Centre Social

With the new century, humanity began a new era that combines highly promising scientific avenues with growing uncertainties regarding our capacity for survival as a society. Bioengineering and artificial intelligence can change our relationship with disease (including ageing) and even help to preserve biodiversity and fight against climate change and the other negative effects of the Anthropocene. Can we develop a society that enjoys new opportunities for individual and global health? Is it possible to preserve biodiversity in a world that needs more and more resources to support a humanity that is still growing? The challenge of reaching this goal requires not only the resources to make it happen. It is necessary to inform society, introduce critical knowledge into the world of education, develop policies in which science plays a key role, and fight against disinformation.

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Generalitat Valenciana

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