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Session 13. Closing session. Humanities, science and artificial intelligence

Saturday, 28 October 2023

13:00 h

Auditori del Centre Social

Having reached this point of the closing session, it is to be expected -and desirable- that a current of ideas, opinions, doubts, questions, and also hopes and lights have flowed in this 2nd Dénia Festival de les Humanitats. We have most probably shared the need for defending ethical reflection for supervising the great disruption brought about by the so-called Fourth Industrial Revolution or Second Age of the Machine. We are at a disconcerting crossroads where different narratives vie for our attention as well as the attitude with which we imagine a future that is becoming more and more imminent. We either make the most of the opportunity to build a better world for humanity or the planet (unavoidable realities) or, as many experts point out, we are heading towards the apocalypse. Artificial Intelligence is the great challenge that technology -a consequence and result of our own creativity and ingenuity- poses to us as a species. Perhaps this is something that we have known since the beginning of time: we can use the same stones to build bridges or impassable walls. Our intentions and purposes will determine the evolution and outcome of the great transformations taking place. Only a technocritical stance that priorities the dignity of human life should have a future. In any case, we must know, share, and face together this challenging moment that we have to live, suffer, or celebrate. Recovering a humanist stance and the critical attitude that is philosophy (Europe as an attitude, in the words of Husserl) is an urgent need in this complex and fascinating time.

Institutional closing session

Registration closed



Generalitat Valenciana

Academic direction: