Zira Box
She has a PhD from Universidad Complutense de Madrid and teaches in the Universitat de València’s Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology. She previously taught at UCM and, with a Juan de la Cierva post-doctoral contract, at
UNED. She was a visiting researcher at the University of California, in the New School for Social Research, at Sorbonne University-Paris IV, and at New York University. Her lines of research have always been centred on studying the initial period of Franco’s dictatorship from a culturalist and markedly hybrid perspective, highlighting the importance of dialogue between social science and history. She has published articles in sociology journals (Journal of Historical Sociology, Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas or Política y Sociedad), history journals (Ayer or Hispania) and interdisciplinary ones (Politics, Religion & Ideology, Historia y Política, Contributions to the History of Concepts, or Revista de Estudios Políticos). Her latest work includes co-editing (along with Ismael Saz, Toni Morant, and Julián Sanz) the book Reactionary Nationalists, Fascists and Dictatorships. Against Democracy (Palgrave Macmillan, 2019) and El franquismo en caleidoscopio (Comares, 2021). She is a regular contributor to the El País newspaper.