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Sophie Baby

A historian and accredited professor of Contemporary History at the University of Burgendy and a junior member of the University Institute of France. She specialises in Spain’s transition to democracy, reflects on the history of mass violence and its memory in contemporary Western societies. Among her publications, the following stand out: El mito de la transición pacífica. Violencia y política en España (1975-1982) (Akal, 2018); Violencia y transiciones políticas a finales del siglo XX. Europa del Sur-América Latina (Casa de Velázquez, 2009, co-editor, along with Olivier Compagnon and Eduardo González Calleja) and Condamner le passé? Mémoires des passés autoritaires en Europe et en Amérique latine (digital book, 2019, co-editor, along with Laure Neumayer and Frédéric Zalewski).




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