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Núria Oliver

Director and co-founder of the ELLIS Alicante Foundation. She is the co-founder and vice-president of ELLIS. Head Scientific Adviser at the Vodafone Institute and Head Data Scientist at DataPop Alliance. During the COVID-19 pandemic, she was appointed as a Commissioner of the Generalitat Valenciana President’s Office in AI and Data Sciences in the Fight against COVID-19. She advises numerous institutions, universities, and companies. She used to be the Research Director in Data Science at Vodafone, Scientific Director at Telefónica, and a researcher at Microsoft Research. She has a PhD from MIT’s Media Lab, and an honorary PhD from Universidad Miguel Hernández. She is an IEEE Fellow, ACM Fellow, and EurAI Fellow, and an elected member of the Real Academia de Ingeniería de España. She is also a member of the CHI Academy and Academia Europaea. She is well known for her work on computational models of human behaviour, person-machine interaction, mobile computing, and the use of big data and Artificial Intelligence for social good. She is the inventor of 40 patents. She has received numerous prizes, including the MIT TR100 Young Innovator Prize (2004), National Computing Prize of Spainl (2016), Engineer of the Year (2018), Valencian Medal for Social and Business Impact (2018), Data Scientist of the Year (2019), Rey Jaume I Prize in New Technologies (2021) and Abie Prise for Technological Leadership from (2021).




Generalitat Valenciana

Academic direction: