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Marta Sanz

Writer, essay writer, and editor, Marta Sanz is one of the best-established and most-renowned writers of the Spanish-language literature scene. With a PhD in Contemporary Literature from Madrid’s Universidad Complutense and a literature career spanning more than twenty years, she is the author of around fifteen novels and essays, such as Los mejores tiempos (Debate, 2001), which won the 2001 Ojo Crítico Narrative Prize; Animales domésticos (Destino, 2003), or Susana y los viejos (Destino, 2006), which was shortlisted for the 2006 Nadal Prize. Her latest publications are Farándula (Anagrama, 2015), which won the Herralde Novel Prize; Pequeñas mujeres rojas (Anagrama, 2020), and her latest novel, Persianas metálicas bajan de golpe (Anagrama, 2022). She is also a literary critic for El País’ «Babelia» supplement and the Mercurio journal, and was the head editor of the Ni hablar cultural journal, in addition to contributing to periodicals such as ABC or Viento Sur.




Generalitat Valenciana

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