Crear Crear

María Ruido

Visual artist, researcher, cultural producer, and lecturer in the Design and Image Department of Universidad de Barcelona’s Fine Art Faculty. Since 1998 she has developed interdisciplinary projects on the imageries of work in post-Ford capitalism, and on the construction of memory and its relationships with the narrative styles of history. Her artistic work and her written output have centred on developing studies on representation policies and their contextual relations. Her documentary Plan Rosebud 2. Convocando a los fantasmas (120’, 2008) was awarded the prize for the best international documentary at the 47th New York City Independent Film Festival. Her productions include Ficciones anfibias (33’, 2005), ElectroClass (53’, 2011), Le rêve est fini/The dream is over (47’, 2014), El ojo imperativo (63’, 2015),  Mater Amatísima (55’, 2017), Estado de malestar (63’, 2019) or Viral Portrait/Retrato Viral (2’, 2020).




Generalitat Valenciana

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