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Marcela Jabbaz Churba

PhD in Sociology and lecturer at Universitat de Valencia, where she teaches degree students and those studying the master’s degree in Gender and Equality Policies. She was a researcher at Argentina’s Scientific and Technological Research Council. She has led and participated in national and international research projects. She is an expert in public policy and gender studies. Her latest publications are related to gender gaps: in relation to wages and care; gender stereotypes in youth choices regarding professions and jobs; equality policies and plans; research methodologies. Throughout her career she has combined academic life and social commitment, participating in different social and professional entities. She has also been involved in consultancy and knowledge transfer based on the training of civil servants and NGO personnel. She is the author, among other publications, of Menores en disputa. Custodia, régimen de visitas y patria potestad en la Comunidad Valenciana (Capitolina Díaz, Tirant lo Blanc, 2020) and Miradas de género: Una sociología sin barreras, cerraduras ni cerrojos (Marcela Jabbaz Churba; Juan Antonio Rodríguez del Pino, and Nina Navaja Pertegás, Eds Icaria, 2019).




Generalitat Valenciana

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