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Manel Alias Font

Journalist. Degree in Audiovisual Communication from Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, and postgraduate degree in ENG Video Journalism from Universidad Pompeu Fabra. Since 2001 he was worked in Televisió de Catalunya, where he presented the children news programme Info K and was the managing editor of La nit al dia, among other programmes. Specialising in educational affairs, he also wrote the 30-minute reports «Notes d’educació» and «Començar de nou,» which was shortlisted at the 2005 Japan Prize. Between 2015 and 2021, he was the Moscow correspondent of TV3 and Catalunya Ràdio. He is the author of the book Rússia, l’escenari més gran del món (Ara llibres, 2021), a multi-faceted account about contemporary Russia. In 2002, he published L'última victòria de l'URSS. That same year he was awarded the Muriel Casals Communication Prize for his coverage of Russian’s invasion of Ukraine for Nit de Santa Llúcia. In 2023, the Catalonian Government awarded him the 2002 National Journalism and Media Prize; he also received the Blanquerna Communication Prize and the Journalist of the Year Prize from the Central Catalonia branch of the Association of Journalists.




Generalitat Valenciana

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