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Jordi Alberich Llaveria

Economist, with a degree in Business Science and a MBA from ESADE, he as the general director of the Economics Circle (1998-2008) and currently chairs M&A Mergers and Acquirements. Co-director of the Escola Europea d’Humanitats and co-founder of the La Maleta de Portbou journal; he is also vice-president of the Catalonian employers’ think tank Foment del Treball Nacional (Institute of Strategic Studies), president of the Formació i Treball Foundation for the job placement of persons at risk of exclusion, and a member of the Executive Committee of the La Toja–Vínculo Atlántico Forum. He contributes regularly to El PeriódicoCrónica Global/El Español, and TV3.





Generalitat Valenciana

Academic direction: