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Gonzalo Fanjul

Researcher and anti-poverty activist. He currently heads the area of Policy Analysis at the Instituto de Salud Global de Barcelona (ISGlobal) and promotes the porCausa Foundation, which produces information and narratives in the field of migrations. He is a researcher associated with the ODI think tank in London. He is the author and co-author of numerous publications in the field of global health, migrations, child poverty, food safety, and development, and is a regular contributor to the press and audiovisual productions. He writes and co-edits a daily blog for El País called “3.500 Millones”, which was awarded the FAO Prize in 2012. In 2018, he became a fellow of the Ashoka network of social entrepreneurs. After a decade as director of Oxfam Intermón’s Studies Service and the head of Oxfam International’s campaign strategy, he spent a year at Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government, where he collaborated with Lant Pritchett in research on development. He has been the main author of Innocenti-UNICEF’s Report Card 12 on child poverty in rich countries, and a collaborator of the Center for Global Development’s migration programme. In 2016, he joined the Leonardo Network of research excellence, promoted by the BBVA Foundation.




Generalitat Valenciana

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