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Cristina O'Callahan

Biology degree (2005) from Universidad de Barcelona (UB) and master’s degree in Epidemiology from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM, 2011). She did her PhD (2011) at the Centro de Salud Internacional de Barcelona (CRESIB-UB, Barcelona) and Health Research Centre in Manhiça (CISM, Mozambique). In 2013, she joined the Centro de Investigación en Epidemiología Ambiental (CREAL, now ISGlobal) as a post-PhD researcher within the cancer programme. In 2016, she worked as a post-PhD researcher in the LSHTM’s Department of Medical Statistics. In 2017, she received a PERIS grant (Generalitat de Catalunya) and obtained an assistant-teaching post in research at ISGlobal. Since 2017 she has combined research and teaching at Universitat Pompeu Fabra, and from February 2020 onwards, as a full professor in the Health Sciences Faculty at Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), where she has set in motion and co-supervises the UOC-UPF-ISGlobal’s inter-university master’s degree in Planetary Health. Her research work centres on the study of a wide range of environmental expositions in association with non-contagious diseases, both in high-income countries (HIC) and in medium- and low-income countries, under the perspective of Planetary Health. At present, her main areas of research are: (i) stress due to heat and kidney diseases (including chronic kidney disease of unknown aetiology), (ii) extractive industries and indigenous health, and (iii) urbanisation and non-contagious diseases.




Generalitat Valenciana

Academic direction: