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Cristina Monge

A political expert with a PhD from Universidad de Zaragoza, where she imparts sociology classes. Her areas of interest are sustainability and democratic equality, and especially governance for the ecological transition, with regard to which she works in research institutes such as Globernance, BC3, and itdUPM, or as part of the Ecodes board. She is a member of the advisory board of Llorente y Cuenca and the Ethic journal. Since 2018 she has participated in the Open Government Forum, and since 2019 in the Development Cooperation Advisory Board and, since its creation, the Methodological Advisory Group of the Spanish Government presidency’s accountability project, «Cumpliendo.» She is the author of 15M: Un movimiento político para democratizar la sociedad (2017) and the coordinator of the collective publication Tras la indignación. 15M: Miradas desde el presente (2021). She is the co-author, along with Raúl Oliván, of Hackear la Política (2018) and, with JJ Verón, of La Iniciativa Social de Mediación de los conflictos del agua en Aragón (2019). She is co-editor of the collection «Más Cultura Política, Más Democracia», in collaboration with Gedisa and president of the «Más Democracia» association.




Generalitat Valenciana

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