Crear Crear

2nd edition
Dénia Festival de les Humanitats 2023

Dénia Festival de les Humanitats turns Dénia into the epicentre of critical thinking. After a successful first edition in autumn 2022 and a meeting held in spring, Dénia Festival de les Humanitats held from 26th to 28th October 2023 13 debate sessions and brought the best speakers from the national and international scene. The multidisciplinary meeting is a meeting point for the greatest scholars in fields such as economics, neuroscience, medicine, anthropology, philosophy, history, humanism, ethics and culture.

Create, Think, Imagine, Associate

Create, Think, Imagine, Associate

Throughout 3 days, leading national and international figures reflect on concerns facing humans in today’s world, and on the changes that will take place in the near future, by means of concerts, round tables, and meetings that  promote dialogue among science, technology, and humanities.

Look back to know where we are going

Nothing is written in advance. The passage of humans on earth is built every day and the future is never alien to the past, although along the way there are changes and fractures that mark significantly differentiated stages. In the same way, the present is projected in the fabulations that we create about the future. We are a historical animal that has completed many stages on earth. And it has been equipped with technological prostheses that have made progress in adaptation possible, but also threats of increasing power, both due to the effects on nature in general and on humans in particular.

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Cultural Capital of the Mediterranean Cultural Capital of the Mediterranean

Cultural Capital of the Mediterranean

The city of Dénia preserves the legacy of its ancient history, the cradle of people and cultures for more than 2,000 years. As the capital of the Marina Alta region and within its status as a Creative City by UNESCO, Dénia continues to have an important cultural activity today, but the city longs the cultural luster of its taifa of a thousand years ago and aspires to recover its place as a beacon of culture and thought in the Mediterranean.

From October 26 to 28, Dénia Festival de les Humanitats will once again turn the city of Dénia into the epicenter of critical thinking, reflection and the Humanities in the Mediterranean.

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Generalitat Valenciana

Academic direction:

Institutional collaborator:


Fundación La Caixa

Business collaborators:


Academic institutions:

UNED Dénia
Universitat de València
Universitat d'Alacant
Universitat Jaume I
Universitat Politècnica de València
Universitat Illes Balears
Fundación Étnor
Universitats Miguel Hernández

Cultural associations:

Institut d'estudis comarcals de la Marina Alta
Conservatori de música Tenor Cortis
La Marina
Agrupació artística musical Dénia
Fundació Rafael Chirbes